Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Working Today...Tomorrow?

I'm yawning today.
Isn't it funny how a few little changes in routine can make your inner clock go whacky?There are two changes in our house that are making my body feel out of whack.
First, Daylight Savings Time.  Who invented that? And why does one hour make such a difference? I feel like loosing that ONE hour on Sunday has ripped a hole in a time warp somewhere and I will forever feel like I need more sleep!
Then, to top it off, Keith got a temporary job as a security guard working the night shift.
Now, if you think about it, he's the one who should be all time-warped-mixed-up because he's the one who has had to change his schedule to sleep in the day and stay awake all night....but I kid you not....the more his first week of nights edged on...the tired-er I have become! 
Is it sympathy pains?
Or is just that I am so set in my ways so that small change in routine at our home really upsets my inner well-being that much?  I must have issues!! (No comments required!)

But on the brighter side........Hooray for Keith!!!
If you didn't know, he got laid off a year ago and we have been stumbling on trying to keep our heads above water ever since.  He has put in more applications and had more interviews than I think I have done in a lifetime, but it seems there are a 500 other people out there looking for the same jobs he is. This is just a temporary job for 5 weeks but it is at least a little breath of fresh air.
And look!  He gets to wear a badge and an official uniform and everything! 
He's not even.....(yawwwnnnnnnn).......yawnning!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the job!! I know how hard the midnight shift can be on a family. Just buy awesome ear plugs (I use Pretty in Pink) and put tin foil up on the bedroom window. You never really get used to it, but it does get better!!
