Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Elves....NOT!

Christmas is beautiful...wouldn't you agree?
I love the beautiful sights and smells
and sounds of Christmas!
It seems that there is magic in the air.
I once read that every thing magic
at Christmas time is brought about
by the hand s of Magical Christmas Elves


This is our family Christmas tree. It is actually
a picture of last year's tree.
As you scroll down you will understand why I don't have
a picture of this year's beautifully decorated tree,
but, as family tree's go...
they are often the same from
year to year.


Here is a picture of Scamp and Mr. Dickins.
They are the cutest little kitties that we adopted
into our home! They are warm and cuddly and
can be a little rowdy at times.....

And Then.....

Here is a picture of this year's Christmas Tree!


1 comment:

  1. Meowy Christmouse!! Poor little kitties...
