Thursday, January 14, 2010


Okay, so it's January....again.
A brand new year! A Brand new start! Brand new goals! Brand new, Brand new.... come I don't feel 'Brand new?'
Does it ever seem to you that the world just keeps turning faster and faster? Is it just me or does anybody else wish at times it would just stop?!
I am venting today, as you can tell.  I have been thinking for three weeks now about goals and resolutions and all that stuff that seems to envelope you in January.  I realized, that I can't even remember the goals and resolutions I set last year....that means, I didn't do very well with them.  I feel lately that I am doing good to just make it through the day without screaming much less working on goals and resolutions too.  Does that mean I'm getting old?
Don't answer that!
Maybe that should be my goal this year.
One day at a time.
I've heard that phrase a dozen times and I think I've even given that advice to others.  Perhaps I really need to give it to myself.  Maybe the big goals don't really matter in the long run if you can't close your eyes at night knowing you've done your best for that day.  It seems so simple, but when I think about what that involves.....being the best mom, wife, homemaker, coworker, committe chairman, friend, Primary teacher, etc, etc.  That is a pretty lofty goal in itself!
I think I've come to more 'loose 20 pounds', 'paint the kitchen', 'plant the ultimate flower garden', 'read the standard works',.....I'm just going to take each day at a time and make that day count. It's going to take a lot of thinking things through and prayer and acting on the promptings of the Spirit.  It's a tough goal! But I'm up for the challange!
One Day At A Time


  1. Yes - one day at a time sounds good to me!

  2. If I didn't do one day at a time, I'd go crazy!!!
